Wednesday, August 18, 2010

And we're off!!!

After months of preparation, we are heading back to China today for our 5th mission trip. The visas are here, powerpoints are in China for translation, bags are almost packed. Thanks to the generosity of people around the world we have 10 large duffles filled with supplies and desperately needed equipment for the orphans there...and none of those 10 bags have our clothes in them yet!
We are scheduled to fly into Bejing, arriving on the 19th at 11:00pm. We'll de-jetlag for 2 days before heading to Guangxi and then onto Anhui for the last two days of the trip. Both girls are incredibly excited to be going back to "our China" that it was hard for them to fall asleep. We are all glad that the countdown to travel has ended and the day is finally here for us to get underway.
I continue to be very, very grateful for all of the generosity of so many people who have made this work possible. I will be carrying your love, support, thoughts, and prayers with me to touch the lives of each and every little child placed into our paths.


  1. Going to be beautiful experience! I will follow the blog!!!!Blessings.

  2. I am SO excited to follow along! I am SO anxious for Guiping SWI to see the updates on Mia!!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for bringing the pictures & letter/update ~ it means the world to us! Safe travels!

  3. Have a safe trip loving on those babies!!

  4. You're probably just arriving and exhausted, but isn't it the best feeling to land in China and all that it offers? Wishing you and the Schwarz family all the best, lots of love, and the experience of a lifetime. Lisa Staff xoxo

  5. Have an awesome and safe trip! It's wonderful that you're able to share your knowledge and offer help for these beautiful children. Can't wait to hear more!
