Sunday, October 3, 2010

The hope of smiles

I was reading last night, and one sentence struck me..."I do not serve a God who allows the world to determine what is hopeless" (Angie Smith). It reminded me so clearly of the work which happened just over a month ago. Hopeless. Those same words were said of little Leo, the little orphan boy with cerebral palsy who is in foster care and never smiled. He was always uncomfortable. Or little "Max" (the english name Lucy and I gave him). He has some undiagnosed clotting disorder. The orphanage said they could not possibly put him on an adoption list. What if something happened to him and he started bleeding? Or the kids with Down Syndrome. Or those with autism. Or the sweet babies who could not gain weight. But I know, know, know there is ALWAYS hope. The smiles prove it.

Smiles from a little boy who has never smiled before in his 3 years of life...

And I too, am so glad that I serve a God who does not determine hopeless by the world's definition. Remembering these special children reminds me of this so clearly :)