Monday, August 29, 2011


Last month I learned of a woman whose character can be termed as heroic. She gave birth to twins 10 months ago. One began developing typically, the other did not. Extended family pressured the mother to "abandon" her daughter, but she refused. Instead, she chose to stand against society where a child with special needs is not understood. She chose to see the little child inside the body which works differently than most others.
When 6 pieces of our luggage did not make it from NYC to Shanghai I was disappointed. I quickly thought of all of the donations collected and the things I had hoped to use and give to this mother as I taught her ways to help her child.
As we arrived in Nanning, I learned that the mother and baby had remained in the city rather than travel the over 8 hours to their home village for a holiday festival. Again, I thought of the missing items in those 6 bags. But, as we wearily checked into our hotel room at 2:30am, the three bags which did make it with us were placed inside. As I opened each bag, I realized that almost all of the things I would use with this small baby were here! The neosure formula, the infant seat, the infant toys, the heavy duty sling to help her mother carry her, a bumbo seat and a small boppy pillow were all with us!! The fact that all of the things are here when all of the other things are not is nothing short of miraculous. And so, as I wear the same clothes for a second day in a row feeling as if I am a character in the movie "groundhog day" I will remember the heroic mother. And I will remember to see as she sees things...what I have rather than what I don't have....

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