Sunday, September 4, 2011

The heart of a 9 year old

For my big girl, this trip was her 6th return trip to China to work alongside with me in orphanages. Her first was when she was just 3 years old. She is now almost 10. Going to China to volunteer in orphanages has just been what we do. It hasn't been if we would go but when. Often times I wondered how these experiences would impact her. I prayed the experiences would someohow teach her about hope. I thought it would be at a much later age. However, this trip, I learned just how much she has understood and learned at the tender age of 9. She has been watching. Studying me as I work with young children. And figuring out how she will do things. Figuring out just how much she can do. And how much she will receive in doing so.

I learned my big girl has a huge heart for children with Down Syndrome. She was drawn to the precious children who had these diagnoses throughout the trip. She would hold them, touch them, play with them, and love them. Not that she avoids other orphans with other diagnoses. She would hold them and play with them too. But there is something special about the children who have this diagnosis for her. I can see it in her diligent attention to them as she lovingly corrects a body position or touches a head. I can see it in her eyes.

When we are working at orphanages, it is often chaotic. OK, always chaotic. The orphanage staff will bring specific children to me so that we can brainstorm ideas for that particular child. The room is filled with children of all ages. I am teaching, hearing translations, assessing. I am often not aware of what my girls are doing unless they specifically come over to me. My friends' who travel with me are the ones keeping an eye on them. The time flies.

And so, when I see the gift of my big girl loving on some very special orphans it makes me smile and cry at the same time. In her short life she has seen more than most adults will ever see. She is growing. She is changing. She understands that all people have worth. She is becoming who she was made to be. What a gift to be able to witness it.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Last month I learned of a woman whose character can be termed as heroic. She gave birth to twins 10 months ago. One began developing typically, the other did not. Extended family pressured the mother to "abandon" her daughter, but she refused. Instead, she chose to stand against society where a child with special needs is not understood. She chose to see the little child inside the body which works differently than most others.
When 6 pieces of our luggage did not make it from NYC to Shanghai I was disappointed. I quickly thought of all of the donations collected and the things I had hoped to use and give to this mother as I taught her ways to help her child.
As we arrived in Nanning, I learned that the mother and baby had remained in the city rather than travel the over 8 hours to their home village for a holiday festival. Again, I thought of the missing items in those 6 bags. But, as we wearily checked into our hotel room at 2:30am, the three bags which did make it with us were placed inside. As I opened each bag, I realized that almost all of the things I would use with this small baby were here! The neosure formula, the infant seat, the infant toys, the heavy duty sling to help her mother carry her, a bumbo seat and a small boppy pillow were all with us!! The fact that all of the things are here when all of the other things are not is nothing short of miraculous. And so, as I wear the same clothes for a second day in a row feeling as if I am a character in the movie "groundhog day" I will remember the heroic mother. And I will remember to see as she sees things...what I have rather than what I don't have....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

And we're off!!

Heading to China always brings the same feelings...lots of excitement the night before departure leading to a lack of sleep. Giddiness as we pull unto the airport. Exhaustion as we wait in long lines at ticket counters and security.
Our flight route brings us through Shanghai this year. We will then go directly to the capital city where we have one day of rest (after arriving at 12:40am local time) before the work starts. I don't mind how hard the bed is after 30 hours of travel. It will be nice to recline!
And so we are off. To begin our next journey to our beloved China. Thirty hours of travel is well worth it!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

1 week!!

In one week, we will be headed back to our beloved China.
In one week, we will be preparing to see our dear friends with Grace and Hope for Children who are the true heroes in the lives of orphaned children.
In one week, we will need to have all of the bags packed and ready to go with donations which will forever change the lives of the children who will receive them.
In one week, we will set out on a grueling itinerary to do the work He has called us to do.
In one week, our lives will be forever changed by some very special orphans who are placed purposefully in our paths to teach about hope.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Preparations are underway for this summer's trip for Knowing Hope and the excitement is building! We've been asked to go to places we have never been before, as well as to return to the familiar places that we love. Dr Bruce Perry recently spoke at the
22nd annual International Trauma Conference, giving lots of cutting edge thoughts to present to orphanage staff and caregivers. I feel fortunate to have had the chance to hear him speak and participate in something which puts the needs of traumatized children first. I am working on powerpoint presentations which will be translated into Chinese to use when educating the staff in 2 different province wide trainings. It is exciting to think about staff from orphanages around 2 different provinces learning about how to best help the children in their care.
Collection of items has started: bumbo seats, beanbag seats, therapy materials...things that foster mothers and orphanage caregivers are just desperate to have and to use for their kids. Any donations of these items are so greatly appreciated and will be put to good use.
Thank you for helping us to bring hope to the children of Guangxi and Hubei!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Official invitations!!

Five months from today, we will arrive in our beloved China again. We will return to work in several of the orphanages in Guangxi where we have previously helped out in the past few years. The thought of seeing those precious children again make my heart race with excitement! Another orphanage, one we haven't been to before (but sent a wheelchair to) has sent the official welcome invitation to come and help!! We will be given the gift of having our lives touched by even more very special children. I cannot think of anything better for our summer :)

March 11, 2011

Dear Cindy,

Hello! Wish all the best wishes for you.

My name is Li Bing(李冰),and I am the Vice-president of the XXXXX SWI, I am responsible for the welfare of children.

Thank you for your letter of February 28. I was so happy that you like the photos we sent to you. Thank you for told me the news that you will come to Guangxi in August, I sincerely invite you and I am looking forward to your coming here. We did not have any child therapists yet, if you can come, I believe that will be the biggest help to us.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Li Bing

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The sunny side of life...

This letter came through last night, which, although addressed to me, is really to all of the supporters of Knowing Hope. NONE of this would have been possible without the kindness and love of people from around the world who make this possible.

Dear Cindy the Physical Therapist,

Greetings! At the verge of Spring's arrival and the renewal of all elements in nature, and at the eve of the Spring Festival, we first wholeheartedly wish you a happy new year, good health, blessings, harmony and happiness in the family.

We have received the wheelchair sent by Mr. X on behalf of you. We appreciate the wonderful gift that you sent to our children. The children are very excited.
In looking back at 2010, it was a year of love and glory from you; it was also a year that XXXXX CWI received love and hope. Your care and love deeply warmed up the hearts of the neediest children. The children with special needs now can see the sunny side of life. They now know that someone thinks about them and cares about them. They really have felt that there is kindness and warmth in people. This gave them the dream to hope for happiness just like non-disabled child do. We would love to continue receiving love and care from you so that the children might have a better future.... We thank you for your help.

Spring buds are vying to blossom and families are happily waiting for the new year. Let's open our arms for the dawn of the new spring, and write a better chapter for child social welfare. Finally, we wish you peace and serenity!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Simple things

Sometimes life just gets too complicated, and the smaller, simpler things are overlooked. Going to work in China reminds me of how simple things can be so important. A simple smile. A simple touch of another's hand. A simple chair.

Many of the older special needs children in the orphanages have serious special needs. Their bodies do not cooperate when they desire to do something. They can spend most of their days just laying on the floor. Or, occasionally, if someone helps, they can sit in an adult sized wheelchair.

And then there are simple acts of kindness. People giving of their time and money to see that these children who will live their entire lives in an orphanage can sit by themselves. To see the beauty of the world.

In a simple chair that fits them.

Resulting in a simple smile that touches hearts around the world.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The first chair for children

Last August, at one of the orphanages we worked at, we met a little boy named Hao. He was born healthy, and suddenly developed high fevers which caused damage to his brain resulting in cerebral palsy. Inside of his body, which is so hard for him to control, there is a bright spirit, a little boy who understands what is said to him and who is trying desperately to show what he understands by blinking his eyes.

Hao's body has become bigger, and he was no longer able to see the beauty of his world sitting up unless leaning against a caregiver....until this week!

Now Hao can see his world, and be a part of his world, thanks to the generosity of givers from around the world who helped make this first chair possible!!
On behalf of a little boy whose life has been made easier by a simple chair, thank you!!!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bumbos for Babies

Last August's trip included bringing almost 20 Bumbo seats for babies living in orphanages around Guangxi. Some of the Bumbo seats were donated, others were purchased from donated funds. It was SO exciting to think of the staff of orphanages and foster homes being able to use the Bumbos, which are unavailable in China. Often times in therapy, I will use or recommend the Bumbo seat to be used with babies who have weakness, low muscle tone, or high muscle tone. It can be a simple way to build strength and muscle control.

The orphanages have been using them, and have sent some photos of the precious babies who have been benefitting from the Bumbos.

It is great to see a child sitting outside in one

Hopefully the next time we see this sweet child she will be smiling

On behalf of all of the little ones in Guangxi who have benefitted from your love and generosity, THANK YOU!!!!

We hope to collect and hand carry more Bumbos for our 2011 trip. These little seats can make life so much easier and more fun for some very special babies!