Yesterday was the day to do workshops at one of the larger SWI in Guangxi. All but 4 of the other SWI's had sent representatives, so there were over 70 people. The topics were hope for children with Down Syndrome and other developmental disabilities, and hope for children with autism spectrum disorders. The audience was amazing...they asked questions, shared stories of children they have in their care, participated when questions were asked of them. We saw many familiar faces and also met many new friends. Directors from orphanages came. One of the highlights was when a director was asking about my older daughter, and said "she's one of ours"!! The presentations were videotaped, and as always, Xiao Xiao was just incredible as she could cross cultural borders to make sometimes foreign information relevant to the staff listening. Several parents came to participate, a first ever. They brought their children, shared their stories and their tears of how difficult it is to raise a child with special needs. Some things are no different in any culture. My hope is that somehow, their journey will be made a bit easier to know that people around the world care for parents in situations like theirs.
Today we are off to explore a nearby town on the way to meet XiuLi. The town is my younger daughter's hometown and we have never been their before. We spoke to XiuLi last night and she is anxiously awaiting our arrival. I am so excited that Lucy is here with us and am hoping that she will be light for XiuLi as no translation will be necessary for their discussion.
The kids have all been having so much fun here. With a 9 year old, 8 year old, and two 6 year olds one never knows how life can go. But all 4 have been laughing, playing, and loving the experience of being in Guangxi, a stark contrast to the city of Beijing where we first arrived. I was awestruck to watch as the kids all played with several of the orphans yesterday. How my older daughter and an orphan boy played basketball on the courts of the SWI. How no words were needed as the 4 kids played ping pong with orphans and climbed on exercise equipment together.
I am uncertain of internet connections for the next few days but will post when possible. We have many amazing adventures planned for the days ahead of us and I look forward to sharing more stories, and hopefully some photos, when we arrive in Hong Kong before going home.
Wow Cindy, it sounds like you've had a pretty amazing experience so far! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteDeb B.