For my big girl, this trip was her 6th return trip to China to work alongside with me in orphanages. Her first was when she was just 3 years old. She is now almost 10. Going to China to volunteer in orphanages has just been what we do. It hasn't been if we would go but when. Often times I wondered how these experiences would impact her. I prayed the experiences would someohow teach her about hope. I thought it would be at a much later age. However, this trip, I learned just how much she has understood and learned at the tender age of 9. She has been watching. Studying me as I work with young children. And figuring out how she will do things. Figuring out just how much she can do. And how much she will receive in doing so.

I learned my big girl has a huge heart for children with Down Syndrome. She was drawn to the precious children who had these diagnoses throughout the trip. She would hold them, touch them, play with them, and love them. Not that she avoids other orphans with other diagnoses. She would hold them and play with them too. But there is something special about the children who have this diagnosis for her. I can see it in her diligent attention to them as she lovingly corrects a body position or touches a head. I can see it in her eyes.

When we are working at orphanages, it is often chaotic. OK, always chaotic. The orphanage staff will bring specific children to me so that we can brainstorm ideas for that particular child. The room is filled with children of all ages. I am teaching, hearing translations, assessing. I am often not aware of what my girls are doing unless they specifically come over to me. My friends' who travel with me are the ones keeping an eye on them. The time flies.

And so, when I see the gift of my big girl loving on some very special orphans it makes me smile and cry at the same time. In her short life she has seen more than most adults will ever see. She is growing. She is changing. She understands that all people have worth. She is becoming who she was made to be. What a gift to be able to witness it.