Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. A full day to spend in celebration of all that we are thankful for! As I sat and pondered the events of 2010, I was constantly reminded not of things, but of people. My girls. My family. My friends. The supporters of my work in China. The orphans. The village girls. Birthparents. People I have met, and those I have yet to meet. People who will undoubtedly touch my life, making it forever changed.
I thought back to the two villages we were privledged to spend time in several months ago. In each of these special places, people showed us such kindness and generosity. We met people, both young and old, who continuously made us smile.
As I think back to these small villages and the people who live in them, I can't help but smile. People with so little had such joy, just by the presence of others being with them. They clearly valued people, and were grateful for the people in their lives. Despite their hardships, they reminded me to be grateful for the gift of others. This is what is most important in life.

And so this Thanksgiving, I am grateful for the people who have been placed in my path. People who show me how to love, how to give, and how to hope.